I shall not tell a lie 

We’ve been hearing a lot about free speech at school board meetings. Apparently the first amendment gives us the right to say anything we want, to whomever we want, about whomever we want, whether it’s true or not, right? Stopping anyone from saying anything at all is (gasp!) cancel culture. Yikes. God forbid we askContinue reading “I shall not tell a lie “

DASD’s New Book Policy Draft…let’s make it better, prevent silent censorship

The school district has been working on a new book policy to ensure that all new books are appropriate and beyond reproach. Here is how we can raise our voice ask to make it better.

Jan 12 School Board Meeting: Eid, Books, Construction, and more…

This month’s meeting saw a new holiday added to the calendar, an updated library policy, and discussion of adding open public meetings to discuss construction options and how to add Full Day K.